Oil massage means stimulating the tissues of the body by the hands with the massage oil in order to promote health and rejuvenation to the entire body. Oil massages are designed to let the hands slide more easily during the massage session but also to hydrate the body. Generally, oil massage can provide maximum relaxation for both body and soul. It is a wonderful way to relieve the stress and the tension that has been accumulated in the body during a tiring period of time. The benefits are many like improving blood circulation and helping blood pressure to decrease. A wonderful oil massage relaxes your body and promotes better sleep for days. It can help to effectively eliminate toxins from the organism thus promoting better health and to heal and regain your spiritual and emotional balance.
30 min - 35 €
60 min - 55 €
80 min (full body) - 65 €
90 min - 70 €
80 min - 65 €
Thousands of years ago the Chinese observed that energy circulated through bamboo canes. That is how they applied it to the human body and discovered that in addition to performing a gentle massage, it helps to activate the body's energy.
The friction and sliding pressure technique produces a direct influence on the blood, lymph and energy, thus favoring the drainage of impurities, and the regeneration of tissues as well as reinforcing our defenses.
80 min - 65 €